Wow, I can't believe school is out already! Friday marked the last day of school for this little two-bit town, and I couldn't be more scared. Meltdowns happen when there is no school, because Princess Kitten simply adores school!
Luckily, I'm being proactive in my approach his year. I managed to get a schedule started just in time for what I am sure is going to be the worst week of the year. Hopefully this schedule I have made her will help. Today was the first day it has been in use, and I have found entirely too many flaws. I expected it though, and will be working on solutions.
Princess Kitten did have a first today: Her first ice cream cone! I love mint ice cream, and nearly died when I saw that Schwan's has mint chip cones. We got a box and Kitten had her first cone. She love it, until the bottom of the cone. She actually decided she didn't want the chocolate at the bottom of the cone! Oh well, it was more for me. LOL
Otherwise, the week has been rather uneventful. Hopefully next week we'll have more to talk about. Until then though...
I'm working on doing several things with this little blog. Two of those I will need the help of you, my readers. I am looking for children's book authors and those who live with autism (either diagnosed or caretaker) to do takeover blogs on Tuesdays. I also need questions from all of you to Princess Kitten herself to do a Q&A blog or vlog on Saturdays. Comment on the blog here or send a message on her Facebook page if you are willing to do a takeover or have questions for her. She loves the interaction, and I love the way she smiles when I read her all your comments.
That is all for now, until next time, stay magical!
Leaving love for the Princess Kitten!